A male doctor and a female nurse talk to an elderly woman patient sitting in her hospital bed.
An attorney can help you pursue justice if your loved one has been injured due to bedsores
April 1, 2024
September 17, 2024

Can You Sue a Hospital or Nursing Home for Bedsores?

If you or someone you love has been affected by nursing home negligence, an elder abuse attorney may be able to help you pursue compensation. 

Bedsores, also known as pressure ulcers, are a serious medical condition that can develop when a person remains in one position for too long. The most vulnerable members of our society — the elderly, the terminally ill, the disabled, and the seriously injured — are often at high risk of developing bedsores. They depend on medical professionals, nursing home caretakers, and other trained healthcare workers to help them avoid developing bedsores. 

If a nursing home worker or another trained professional fails to take appropriate precautions, they may be liable for any resulting bedsores. If you believe that a loved one has developed bedsores due to negligence or substandard care in a nursing home, you may be able to pursue a lawsuit for financial compensation. 

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Many people are hesitant to pursue litigation; however, there are many benefits to these lawsuits. The financial compensation awarded in a lawsuit can be used to pay your loved ones medical bills, including long-term care and treatment for their bedsores. A lawsuit can also promote higher safety standards in nursing homes and create a safer community for others.

Nursing home lawsuits and bedsore lawsuits can be complex, and the specific legal requirements may vary depending on the jurisdiction. Contact your elder law attorneys at Pierce Skrabanek online or by calling our office at (832) 690-7000. We are standing by and are here to listen to your concerns and help you decide if a lawsuit is right for you and your family. 

Can You Sue For Bedsores? Compensation Available in a Bedsore Lawsuit

Nursing home caretakers and healthcare workers are responsible for caring for the elderly and are responsible for duties such as regularly repositioning residents, providing proper nutrition and hydration, and monitoring for signs of skin breakdown. When these caretakers fail to perform their duties or deviate from the standard of care, the results can be devastating. 

If your loved one has developed bedsores as a result of a healthcare worker’s negligence or failure to perform their duties, you may be able to file a lawsuit for financial compensation. 

Some types of compensation available in bedsore lawsuits may include: 

  • Compensation for pain and suffering: bedsores can be incredibly painful. Long-term struggles with bedsores or pressure ulcers can cause great amounts of pain as well as emotional trauma. You may be able to recover compensation for pain and suffering in your bedsore lawsuit. These awards may include financial awards for the pain associated with the sores themselves and any complications or infections that may arise as a result of the bedsores.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life: If bedsores have significantly impacted your life, leading to a loss of ability to engage in activities and enjoy life as you did before they developed, you may be eligible for compensation. These effects could include restrictions on mobility, limitations on social activities, hobbies, and various other aspects of daily life.
  • Medical expenses: Your bedsores may require additional care including surgery, rehabilitation, medications, or wound care. A lawsuit for financial compensation can help you achieve the monetary award you are legally entitled to receive.
  • Punitive awards: In cases where the negligent party’s conduct is particularly reckless or malicious, such as elder abuse or nursing home neglect, the court may award punitive compensation. These funds may be awarded to punish the defendant and discourage similar misconduct in the future. 

Bedsores are responsible for almost 60,000 deaths per year according to a study completed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). In cases where a death has resulted because of bedsores or nursing home neglect, you may be able to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit.

A wrongful death lawsuit can be instrumental in holding the parties responsible for your loved one's tragic death accountable. In these cases, you may seek compensation for funeral and burial expenses, loss of financial support, and the emotional pain and suffering caused by the loss of your loved one.

An experienced personal injury attorney or nursing home neglect attorney can help you understand your rights and pursue fair compensation for the harm resulting from bedsores caused by negligence or inadequate care.

You may be wondering “Can I sue for bedsores?” The answer largely depends on the unique facts and circumstances surrounding your case. A skilled and experienced elder abuse attorney who has handled nursing home negligence cases can help answer your questions and guide you down the right path. 
Contact the nursing home neglect attorneys at Pierce Skrabanek online or by calling our office at (832) 690-7000. We are here to evaluate your case and determine if a lawsuit is right for you. 

How to Sue a Hospital for Bedsores

Bedsores are serious injuries–especially for the elderly. According to The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), their development can lead to serious, life-threatening infections. During a one-year period, more than 100,000 adults were hospitalized for bedsores and bedsore-related infections. 

When trusted healthcare workers are negligent in the treatment of their patients, they must be held responsible for their actions. Suing a hospital for bedsores typically involves proving that the hospital or nursing home’s failure to provide proper care directly resulted in the development of bedsores in a patient. This is a complicated process and it is always advisable to contact an attorney before initiating any kind of legal action. 

Your attorney can evaluate the strength of your case, advise you on your legal options, and guide you through the legal process. Your lawyer will look at the rules for preventing and treating bedsores. They'll check if the hospital didn't follow these rules and decide if it's worth suing or not.

Can You Sue A Hospital For Bedsores? Contact an Attorney to Learn More 

Hiring an attorney is one of the most important steps in the legal process. You want to make sure that you retain a lawyer who has your best interests at heart and has experience in the areas of medical malpractice and elder law. Bedsores often occur in hospitals, nursing homes, or long-term care facilities. It is important to hold those responsible for the harm to your loved one accountable. By pursing a lawsuit, you help promote and maintain high standards of safety in hospitals and nursing homes. 

Our team is well-practiced in pursuing litigation against those who may be responsible for pressure ulcers or bedsores. We have won many victories for our clients and look forward to helping you pursue justice in your case. 

Contact Pierce Skrabanek online or by calling our office at (832) 690-7000. Our team of lawyers is available to evaluate your case and help you determine if a lawsuit is the right step for you. 

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