September 2, 2016
May 12, 2024

Dangerous Car Heat During Texas Summertime

Summer in Texas can be tough. With the added humidity the temperature can quickly soar into the triple digits during summertime.

If you happen to be heading out for the day to beat the heat, making your way to the river or hitting the road for a road trip, don't forget to consider the Texas summertime heat.

While it can be tough to bear for an even adult, the summertime temps can be very serious for children and small pets. Children and pets cannot deal with the heat like an adult can and their smaller sizes make them very susceptible to heat-related injuries. Even a cracked window to let in some fresh air does little to prevent heatstroke.

To bring attention to this issue, our Houston law firm has put together the following infographic highlighting the importance and urgency in protecting our little ones.

If you see a child alone in a car, don't worry about getting involved in someone else's business. Protecting children is everyone's business.

Nothing will ruin your day like realizing your loved one has suffered heat-related injuries that could have been prevented.

Texas summertime car heat

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