October 19, 2022
April 7, 2024

Why Should I Hire a Maritime Lawyer?

Have you been injured on the open water? A maritime lawyer may be the answer to your problems.

When an accident occurs on a U.S. waterway, serious injuries can result for ship passengers, employees, or captains. Maritime lawyers practice a very specialized type of law and often represent those who have been harmed by a maritime accident. 

Maritime lawyers hold responsible parties accountable for injuries and accidents that occur on the water. Maritime accidents may occur aboard cruise ships, ferry boats, tugboats, cargo ships or container vessels, offshore oil rigs, or other sea-worthy vessels. 

If you have been injured in a seafaring accident, you should hire a maritime lawyer to help secure the financial compensation you’re entitled to. You deserve the opportunity to heal from your pain and suffering with dignity. The experienced and qualified attorneys at Pierce Skrabanek are here to help you seek justice. Contact their Houston-based firm online or by calling (872) 690-7000 today.

What Is a Maritime Lawyer?

A maritime lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in the practice of maritime law and represents people who have been injured in boating or sailing accidents. Maritime law is the type of law that governs the use of navigable waterways. A maritime lawyer may be able to represent you if you have been injured in a boating or ship-related accident. The following are some common situations that maritime lawyers will cover:

  • Vessel accidents: Someone's boat or other water vessel crashes into your boat and injures you
  • Dock accidents: You are injured either as a dock worker or due to an accident like a slip and fall injury 
  • Oil rig accidents: Injuries that occur on moveable oil rigs

These types of accidents may lead to complicated lawsuits and litigation. It is in your best interest to hire a professional who is accustomed to handling these types of cases on a regular basis.

If you have been injured in one of these situations, a maritime lawyer may be able to help you secure compensation for your injury. Contact the lawyers at Pierce Skrabanek online or by calling (872) 690-7000.

What Does a Maritime Lawyer Do? 

Maritime lawyers practice an extremely specific type of law. A maritime lawyer will use their skill set to examine the specific facts and details of your accident and determine if you have a case. A maritime lawyer can represent you if you have been injured in a seafaring-related accident. They will work to preserve valuable evidence and negotiate with the opposing party's lawyers and insurance agents to ensure that you are being properly compensated for your injury

A maritime lawyer may help you recover compensation for the unique injuries that occur on waterways by: 

  • Investigating the accident or incident
  • Obtaining documents, researching laws, and meeting court deadlines
  • Interviewing witnesses and negotiating with insurance agents or opposing counsel on your behalf

Working or recreating on the water is extremely dangerous and injuries are common. In the span of one calendar year, the United States Coast Guard reported 4,439 accidents involving 658 deaths, 2,641 injuries, and approximately $67.5 million dollars in property damage as a result of recreational boating accidents. If you have been injured in an accident such as this, you need a maritime lawyer to help you get the maximum settlement you deserve. 

What Kinds of Injuries Does a Maritime Lawyer Cover? 

Accidents on the water can prove uniquely dangerous. The injuries suffered because of these accidents can be life-threatening or life-changing. Some of the most common types of maritime injuries are due to: 

  • Slip and falls
  • Falls from elevated heights
  • Falling overboard
  • Shoulder injuries from overexertion 
  • Injuries from improper safety gear
  • Fire and explosion 

Injuries as a result of accidents like this are all too common. Read on to learn about what types of accidents the skilled lawyers at Pierce Skrabanek can handle and how they can you help you receive justified compensation. 

What Are Some Types of Maritime Injuries? 

Maritime accidents are often associated with accidents aboard ships due to employer negligence or adverse weather conditions. However, a maritime lawyer can assist you if you have suffered a wide range of injuries. 

 Some of the common injuries that a maritime lawyer can help you recover from include:  

Why Choose An Experienced Maritime Lawyer? 

Maritime accidents can be incredibly complicated. A competent maritime lawyer must be well-versed in international, federal, and state law.

A maritime lawyer also needs to be familiar with the Jones Act which is a law that governs the shipment of goods in the United States. The law ensures that an employer may be held responsible if one of their employees is injured on the water. Under the Jones Act, a seaman can recover for pain and suffering, mental anguish, lost earning capacity, as well as lost income. 

Working with an experienced maritime lawyer drastically improves your chances of receiving the maximum compensation for your injury. 

Contact An Experienced Maritime Lawyer 

If you have been injured on the water by a boat or another person’s negligent behavior, you may be entitled to financial compensation. 

The lawyers at Pierce Skrabanek are extremely skilled at navigating complicated maritime law. They are capable of achieving multi-million dollar settlements, including a $16.9 million dollar Jones Act verdict on behalf of a seaman who became severely ill while working. 

If you have been injured in a maritime accident, please contact the attorneys at Pierce Skrabanek online or by calling (872) 690-7000. We are here to make sure you get the help and justice that you deserve.

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